Mount and blade what to do with prisoners
Mount and blade what to do with prisoners

mount and blade what to do with prisoners

More peace time for building a strong economy and military. So long they are fighting the chances are they will not declare War on me.

mount and blade what to do with prisoners mount and blade what to do with prisoners

I have given the Lord one more chance to gather troops and go fight my neighbor. I have gained 20 reputation with each Lord busted out of prison. Nice for when trading in food and needing to keep at least one of each food source for a high morale boost and for leveling skills like Steward and Leadership that both require high morale. When I do Prison Breaks the skill points can jump with 20 for each of the first two jobs and then it drops slowly but even with 50 Roguery and the perk Two Faced, I can field and all Bandit Army and not lose morale when hiring them and with 100 skill and the perk Promises I get a Bandit Army that eats 50% less food and the Prisoners will no longer eat any food.

Mount and blade what to do with prisoners